Premier High School - Arlington

Who We Are

At Premier High School - Arlington, the success of our students is what matters most. Some students need a new opportunity, while others seek an individualized educational approach that is not offered by traditional schools. Whether a student has fallen behind or simply wants to get ahead, our true learner-based environment is designed to ensure that they learn and succeed.
Premier High School Students

Our Program

We offer students the opportunity to earn a diploma away from the overcrowded high school setting. We offer a self-directed academic program that allows you to work toward a diploma at your own pace. Our schedules allow you to have a balance between family and work life.


Welcome to Premier High School - Arlington! At Premier High School, our caring staff helps design a program tailored to your educational and career goals. Whatever your goals are, we can help you achieve them.

Premier High School doesn’t offer a traditional education. We implement a system that is built around the student’s needs. We present the correct tools for students to strengthen their academic weaknesses and improve upon their strengths. Our self-directed curriculum, passionate teachers, and proven academic program helps students achieve their goals on their own terms.

If a little hard work and a bright future appeal to you, we’d like to meet you.

With Warmest Regards,
Devin Turner
Campus Director


Inclement Weather

Inclement Weather Reminder

If AISD cancels classes because of bad weather, PHS Arlington will be closed. - with some exceptions.

Local television and radio stations will announce any information about school closures.

School Hour Sessions

9th & 10th Grade
8:00 AM - 2:30 PM

11th & 12th Grades AM Session:
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

11th & 12th Grades PM Session:
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Traffic Flow

Traffic Pattern & Parking

A. Traffic ENTRANCE - Ryan Plaza Dr.
B. Traffic STUDENT DROP OFF/PICK UP - Back of School - Student Entrance/Exit Only.
C. Traffic EXIT ONLY.
D. VISITOR PARKING - Front of School Main Entrance
TEA A Rated

TEA A-Rated

We are happy to announce that we received an A-rating from the Texas Education Agency for performance during the 2021-22 school year! To view the complete list of rated districts and campuses for the 2021-22 school year, please visit

Upcoming Events

Open Orientation

Time: 1 PM
Location: 551 Ryan Plaza Dr. Arlington, TX 76011